Friday, July 4, 2008

Rain , Rain,and more Rain.

Today Friday the weather is awful, it has been raining since 11.45 this morning, non stop,just like monsoon climate.I called to see my mother today ,we went shopping, she was in good form.Paul called in today . Unas grandmother died yesterday she was 92 yrs old she spent the last few years in a nursing home r.i.p.Eugene called for dinner. I was going to go out tonight ,however, the weather has put a stop to that. We have the central heating on, you would never think that it was the 4 th of July, Independance day in America. Their have been more job losses forecast today . Pfizers announced that they will be winding down the company between now and the end of 2009. tThe job losses will be around 500 all in cork city. Very bad news.Also a lot of jobs gone in construction.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Last day of June

Today is the last day of June. The weather was dry today but overcast. It looks like the summer is passing us by again. I do feel sorry for the school children on holidays at the moment. It would be nice if we got some sunshine. We had a quiet day today no visitors. I went for a long walk today, it's good to get out when it's dry. Robert was playing golf.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Nigels Birthday

It was Nigels birthday on the 26th of june, he was 28 years young.Happy birthday Nigel. He spent it in Portugal as he was there for a conference with his company (Cadburys). Next year if they make the targets they will be going to Monte Carlo. Isn't that a great incentive. Carol is glad to have him home.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Bobs Birthday

These are some photographs of bob(robert) on his 60th birthday.Bob celebrated his birthday on the 8 th of May. We went for dinner in the barn restaurant on the night, then we had the family around on saturday the 10 of may. We also had a night at the dogs and dinner on saturday the 24 of May . A great night was had by all.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Today the weather is a lot better than yesterday. The sun is shining. Yesterday was a wash out it rained very heavy all day , with flooding in some areas. The christening went well, a pity about the rain. Taking it easy today.I tried putting my photographs on to the computer, I couldn't do it. I guess I will have to wait for Eugene.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Lilyana when she was a few weeks old

Today is the 21/06/08. However when i look out the window you would think it was the middle of winter. The sky is grey and the rain is pouring down . I wish I was back in lanzarote . Today lilyana is being christened. Her name will be Lilyana Roberta Peglar. I will post some pictures when I get them. I still have to find out how to put them on to my computer, thats where Eugene comes in. I thought I might go for a walk But that has been put on hold for now.If this weather keeps up for long our summer will be gone just like all the other summers of late.Today is the longest day of the year.